Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Homemade Magic Face Cream

I am a avid supporter of Natural remedies - now.  I say now, because in the past it was only natural to go to your local GP or doctor when you weren't feeling well and trusted their advice and the medicine they would prescribe for you.  Of course, back then, you had a very intimate relationship with your local doctor - not in a sense that you were getting down and dirty with them, but more in a sense that you trusted them with your life, therefore needed to feel comfortable with them at all times.  

The other side of the coin at that time was the fact that the yucky bugs weren't as destructive as the ones nowadays therefore going to the doctors wasn't something that happened a lot.  In fact, natural remedies was something built firmly into family life because we descend from forefathers that didn't have the luxuries of a local GP readily accessible.

I have been enjoying reading the book "A Home Companion - My year of living like my grandmother" by Wendyl Nissen.  In essence it's purely about her life when she decides to be self-sufficent for a year.  I thought it interesting when she writes about her experience with the medical experts of the world regarding her breast infection and after over two years of trying everything and anything they diagnosed, their advise was simply "It's not life threatening, is difficult to treat, therefore you will just have to live with it".  Her answer was to resort to natural therapy, and after experimenting with turmeric root, the infection cleared up within a week and has not returned.

It instantly reminded me of my experience as a young mother with baby twins, one of which was struggling to settle and sleep more than 2 hours straight. After numerous visits to the doctors, being given many different medicines that didn't work then being told "your baby has colic, and you just have to live with it".  I too resorted to a naturopath.  Their diagnosis?  My baby's skull was not growing fast enough, therefore was having major regular headaches.  The cure?  6 x 5 minute cranials.  After the first cranial, my baby slept for 10 hours straight and after the 6th cranial, she was sleeping for 8 hours at night.  From that point onwards, I have been open about my skepticism of main stream medicine and have no issues recommending natural therapy.  

There is alot of money in medicine therefore the more the doctors prescribe, then more money the drug companies are making. There is also a lot of money in cosmetics and most businesses are about making money, I began to think what actually goes into my face cream, or moisturisers and whether they are actually good for me.

I performed the ole "Mcdonalds cheeseburger test".  I placed my face cream on the window sill without a lid for over 2 weeks.  If it contained more natural products than chemicals then it would start to grow it's own community of living organisms.  Result?  It looked just the same as it normally does, just like the McD's cheeseburger.

I was pleased to see Wendyl Nissen had a recipe within her book in which she called it "Magic Face Cream" so I decided to give it a go.  It's a little strange because it generally was like making a salad dressing with some essential oil (I used vanilla but you can use pretty much any fragrance you want), but in saying that it was fairly quick and easy to make.  After the first application I was pleasantly surprised at how soft my skin felt. My husband even gave it go, although he said he didn't notice any difference, but it smelt nice which is a bonus :-)

4 ingredients of 1/2 cup of extra virgin olive oil, 3 teaspoons of cider vinegar, 1 tablespoon of water and about 3 drops of essential oil.  That's it!!! Store it in the fridge and give it a good shake before applying it.

Have a great night!!!

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