Sunday, October 13, 2013

Reflection - Passed, Present & Future

I've just returned home from a journey south to Te Teko for a very sad occasion. The Pryors - a whanau that I hold close to my heart had suffered a tragic loss with the death of their beautiful son and I went down to attend the tangi (funeral).

I received the sad news early Tuesday morning and knew straight away the tangi would be held in Te Teko at the whanau marae.  I felt extreme sadness for their loss, particularly because it was someone so young - in fact only 4 years old and I posted on facebook how undeniably heartbreaking it must be for the whanau.  My thoughts continued to ponder about how difficult it has been to loose a loved one for me, however I haven't been placed in a situation where they have been so young and I hope I never get to experience it - EVER!!  Life is to be lived and children are suppose to grow old and die after you - not before. Aren't they?

When the news was confirmed the tangi would be in Te Teko, I made the arrangements to go.  I hadn't seen the whanau all together for a very long time and although this was a sad event that would reunite me with the whanau, I was looking forward to seeing them again and offering my support.

The journey down was cold and wet.  Again, my thoughts diverted to when I used to travel down to Kawerau & Rotorua frequently to stay with the Pryors and how it had been a long time since I had made the journey. Seeing particular landmarks brought back fond memories of how much fun I had down there with the whanau.  At that point, I regretted my own daughters didn't make this journey with me. 

We arrived in Te Teko and as expected, it was very sad.  I had seen "dad" Selwyn quite a few times over the years and we embraced once again and he thanked me for coming.  The whanau performed the haka for little Jaxon as he left the marae which bought tears to my eyes and without words I embraced my friend Fonda.  We have known each other since high school and had gone through alot together, therefore words weren't needed. A similar embrace was given to "son" Selwyn at the urupa (cemetery). Again, no words, but the emotion of a long embrace.  

I remember feeling very emotional again at the urupa when I saw Gord and his partner Liz standing at the foot of the grave embracing with such sadness knowing the final physical moments with their son was coming to an end.  As I approached Gord I fought to hold back the tears, but couldn't - we quietly embraced with silent tears.  

"Mum", Karen had travelled back from England for the tangi and she proceeded to thank me after we had embraced.  It really had been a long journey for her and it showed.   The last person was Kathie or "Dukes".  I had seen her a number of times over the years, and this time she looked physically tired.  Again, it was another warm embrace with her thanking me for being there.

I was so overwhelmed, not because of seeing the whanau again, but more at the fact that they expressed so much love thanking ME for being at the tangi.  I remember thinking how wrong that was, for it was ME who was so grateful to THEM for allowing me an opportunity to be apart of them and their lives.

I reflected more on my way home as I listened to my mother snoring in the passengers seat.   The Pryor whanau truly are good people and although they are filled with sadness now, I know as each day comes, so will a shining and positive horizon for them all.

Although I never met Jaxon, I'm extremely grateful he reunited me with the Pryors.  This whanau really do hold a very special place in my heart and I look forward to seeing them all again in the near future.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Sunday Afternoon Blossoms

I've had a pretty full on couple of weeks with my work and voluntary commitments so it was refreshing for me to have Sunday afternoon at home.  As an added bonus, we really have been experiencing some lovely weather so to enjoy Sunday afternoon at home in the sun was just awesome for me.

So .. what do you do when you have a sunny Sunday afternoon at home?  My husband and I decided to build a fence in the garden.  Unfortunately it's not quite finished as we need to paint it, so I'll save that story for another blog.

Although relaxing wasn't quite on the agenda for this day, I did manage to sit and admire the blossoms in the garden and made me reflect on my life.  It really is a nice time around the Ponderosa and just love it.

I must add that I did finish the day sipping on a nice glass of NZ sauvignon blanc :-)

Have a great day people!!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Bullet The Bull

Just when we thought we had enough beef on the Ponderosa .. we have another one, but only on a temporary basis.  His name is Bullet the bull and he makes 14.

He arrived late on a Sunday night from our family farm in Te Hoe o Tainui .  Dad put him straight in with the sheilas so I didn't have an opportunity to have a good look at him or to stand and watch how he settled in for the night ... I had to wait until the morning.

So, when I walked to the edge of the paddock the next morning, he appeared on the far side. As he started walking towards me, I couldn't help but chuckle to myself as I stood and watched him figure out he was full of a paddock of strange females.

I thought he would be quite happy :-) as he sniffed around, but as he got closer and closer it was clear to me he had had a pretty rough night.  In fact, he looked like he was dumped in the mud and left there to sleep.  Poor thing.  I'm not quite sure what had happened that night, as dad assured me that he wasn't covered in mud when he loaded Bullet onto the trailer.

Bullet the bull - the morning after!!
The sheilas need to get used to Bullet, because his only purpose is to sow his seeds.  Our plan is to multiply our beef, then at some stage sell some older cows, put some in the freezer, keep what's left, then as time goes by ... start all over again.   Well, that's the plan anyway.  I don't claim to be an expert on beef, in fact, I don't even know if it's going to work, but I am excited at the prospect of what's to come with our beef.

Our beef .. in total harmony .. NOW
Happy living people!!