Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Beauty of Baking Soda

Reflecting on my blog about my homemade face cream, I just had to share another find that keeps the bank balance happy and has so many different uses - baking soda!!!

I come from a long line of women who are obsessed, boardering freaky crazy with cleaning and if you ask what's the best product to clean a specific item, they will whip it out in less than 5 seconds and then proceed to waffle off for hours about how it came to be.

Imagine their surprise when I asked for a healthier, more natural way of cleaning products so that the expensive waste management system & tank that we have on the Ponderosa doesn't get ruined with the 100s of chemicals the products today are usually flushed down our drains today.- answer from my aunty in less than 2 seconds ... baking soda & white wine vinegar!!  I was impressed and knew one of them would know. 

So I tried it in our bathroom and I was really impressed at how white everything came up, but the smell ... it's pretty strong alright!!!  In fact, I went on the web and found a number of different ways these two ingredients can be used either together OR by themselves and I've got to using vinegar to disinfectant the chicken coop every 6-12 months to get rid of any bugs that might cause harm to them.

My favourite for baking soda has to be as an exfoliant on the body and my face.  I used to spend $100's of dollars buying expensive skin products to exfoliate and even found a couple of micro dermabrasion products.

Imagine my surprise when I tried out baking soda.  Yip, simply add a little water to a handful of baking soda to make a paste and exfoliate all over your body .. in the shower of course.  It leaves your skin feeling soft and smooth, but you do need to be careful not to apply too much pressure especially on your face and neck or else it will feel like you're using sand paper.

At about $2 for 500 grams, baking soda is a more natural, cost effective way to clean your home and your body.  I keep a huge glass jar in my bathroom at all times and choose to exfoliate twice a week, finishing off with my homemade face cream OR simply moisturising with some coconut oil .. my second best beauty product in the house.
Happy living people!!

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