Thursday, April 25, 2013

Bruno - The New Addition

Remember my blog Our Best Friends and How Time Flies.  Well how time flies indeed with so many changes on our dog front!!!

Firstly PAL, who was old and sick ... and I had to make the hard decision to put him to rest.  Also JOSEPH ... our funny little foxy who never ceased to amazed us.  He wondered onto the road and tore all is ligaments and cartilage in his legs when he was hit by a car .. again I had to make the hard decision to put him to rest.

It was a challenging few weeks after JO left us but it didn't take long for us to decide it was time to get us another companion on the farm.  Not just to keep us entertained, but to keep the local rabbits and rodents at bay.

Enter BRUNO ...our young fox terrior, who is still trying to find his way on the Ponderosa.  He was born in October, and how it was a mission to get him to us from Marokopa.  He is just starting to understand the different smells, and hasn't quite figured out the rabbits yet but it won't be long before his foxy instincts kick in and he'll be away.

The chickens aren't happy he's around, and as for our beloved sheilas? ... they are starting to get used to him.

Have a great day people.

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