Tuesday, August 4, 2015

The Benefits of Coconut Water

With my husband Gig living the paleo lifestyle and embarking on marathon running, he was struggling to find natural products to replenish his energy levels.  Particularly when you are running 42 kilometres.  His first "paleo" marathon was in Rotorua and he found some natural boosters made with honey and molasses and unfortunately for him he cramped at the 26 km mark.  Fair to say, he was very disappointed he couldn't run the whole way, but he did end up finishing the marathon, even if he walked/limped the remaining 16 kms.

He then told me he wanted to run the very first ever marathon in Queenstown.  My immediate reaction was he needed to find a better supplement and suggested coconut water.  He wasn't too keen at first, but I had read a number of articles of how beneficial it was.

Rule #1  It's a natural isotonic beverage, with the same level of electrolytic balance as we have in our blood.  So basically, it's just as good as getting a blood transfusion.  In fact, I read that during the war, soldiers wounded in the pacific recieved emergency plasma transfusions using coconut water siphoned directly from the nut.

Rule #2  It has more potassium and less sodium than most sports and energy drinks and contains natural sugars as opposed to altered sugars found in sports drinks and energy drinks. It also has calcium, magnesium and phosphorous.

Rule #3  It regulates your body temperature, raises your metabolism, boosts your immune system, cleanses your digestive tract, helps regulate diabetes, improves poor circulation and helps treat kidney and urethral stones. 

Rule #4  It's got 0 cholesterol and is 99% fat free.  In saying this, I'm not a fan of fat free ratings, because in reality there are some essential fats that our body needs which has a result of raising the bodies cholesterol level in a good way.  But for those who love the fat free ratings and lower cholesterol levels, then this rule definitely fits in.

Rule #5 For those who struggle with dairy products, coconut water is a great substitute for milk and yoghurt in a smoothie.  PLUS it's a great substitute for liquid or powdered stock when cooking.  A can of coconut water can add huge benefits to a stew, curry and even a boil up. 

Rule #6 It's a great cure for a hangover!  Although getting a hangover isn't what I'm promoting here, if you do manage to consume a little too much than you should,  remember Rule #1?  Just like getting a blood transfusion.  

Rule #7 When consumed, it moisturises your skin from within and eliminates unnecessary oils.  It even has the ability to clear acne and tone the skin if applied to the skin.  That doesn't surprise me considering coconut oil has some tremendous benefits to our skin too.  I blogged about coconut oil in THE MAGIC OF COCONUT OIL.

Gig did find a coconut water that he liked and started filling his water bottles  on his training runs.  He noticed a tremendous difference in how his body reacted to exercise after that and he went on to run the Queenstown marathon.

From my own personal perspective, I've found myself cooking a lot more dishes using coconut water now.  I've even taken to making a smoothie prior to conquering the famous Hakarimata ranges.  I find my energy levels allow me to make it to the top with energy to burn to come back down, whereas before I struggled to get to half way.

If you find yourself wanting to incorporate coconut water into your lifestyle, I highly recommend it.  There are some expensive products on the market but you can pick up a tray at the asian market for less than $1 per can.  If you find you can't stomach drinking a can or bottle straight, then try smaller steps like I have suggested by using it in cooking. 

Happy living peeps!


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