Saturday, June 6, 2015

Ducted Heat Transfer Kit

You would think that when you live in a house with three fireplaces, it would be a little excessive, but still lovely and warm.  But not when it's a 100+ year old villa.  Believe it or not, the three fireplaces isn't enough, especially in the winter time.

We've been doing a bit of work around the homestead making sure that we insulate underneath the house, seal all the draughty bits in the rooms as we renovate and even replaced an old wood burner with a new one when it "shat" itself so to speak last year.  I blogged about this in REVAMPED FIREPLACE.

The new wood burner we installed was awesome last winter and it's fair to say the back living area was lovely and warm.  The problem we were faced with was that all the heat stayed down the back of the house and it took forever to heat the entire home, even when we used the other original fireplaces. 

During the year we had people from various companies come through the home and give us some great advise about their great products that would be far more superior to any other product on the  market transferring heat from one part of the home to everywhere else .. bla, bla, bla, bla .. leaving your home warm and dry ... all for a cool price of anything between $3,000 to $6,000 and without any additional steak knife offers.

Surely there had to be something else out there for a fraction of the price?  All we really wanted was to take the heat from where the wood burner was and transfer it to the other rooms. 

Bunnings offered a heat transfer kit for 2 or 3 rooms for a couple of hundred dollars, but we needed it for at least 4 rooms.  Nothing at Bunnings or Mitre 10 was on offer. 

Enter a trustworthy and helpful electrical supplier who was willing to go out and have a look at what he could find for us.  Viola, he found one, so a couple of weekends back my husband decided to put it in when the weather was cool and raining - with my assistance of course.

Installation was pretty easy and stressless and I had a chance to get into our roof and see just how much space there is up there (enter some fabulous attic ideas).  Now our 3.5 metre stud home is lovely, warm and dry and although we didn't get any steak knives with our purchase I can assure you it did cost a fraction of what we were originally offered.

Happy living peeps

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